论文名称 作者 期刊名称 发表时间 备注
基于安全等级的云存储信息安全保障架构设计 李英 信息技术 2019年8月 科技核心
Denoising 3D Magnetic Resonance Images Based on Low-Rank Tensor Approximation With Adaptive Multirank Estimation 吕红力 IEEE Access 2019年4月 SCI
Analysis of evolutionary process of fog computing system based on BA and ER network hybrid model 康鲲鹏 Evolutionary Intelligence 2019年4月 EI
Weighted Schatten p-norm minimization for 3D magnetic resonance images denoising 吕红力 Brain Research Bulletin 2018年9月 SCI
Multi-Strategy Sentiment Analysis of Consumer Reviews Based on Semantic Fuzziness 方莹 IEEE ACCESS 2018年6月 SCI
Speckle noise reduction for optical coherence tomography based on adaptive 2D dictionary 吕红力 Laser Physics Letters 2018年4月 SCI
Research on prediction of traffic flow based on dynamic fuzzy neural networks 李海涛 Neural Computing and Applications 2017-03-07 SCI
贵州农作物种质资源调查数据可视化研究 陈丽娜 作物学报 2017年9月 一级核心
A robust active contour segmentation based on fractional-order differentiation and fuzzy energy 吕红力 IEEE Access 2017年4月 SCI
Energy-aware Routing Algorithm Based on Combinatorial Optimization Theory 乔丽 International Journal of Simulation :systems,science&technology 2016-10-09 EI
用快速收敛粒子群优化算法解决函数优化问题 郑晓月 轻工学报 2016-05-01 科技核心
An Algorithm and Implementation for Image Segmentation 李海涛 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 2016-04-23 EI
基于混合本体的文献分类研究——以计算机学科为例 陈丽娜 图书馆理论与实践 2016-03-08 CSSCI
国家农作物种质资源平台服务绩效评价体系构建 陈丽娜 中国农业科学 2016-02-03 中文核心
基于本体的农作物种质资源平台用户模型研究 陈丽娜 植物遗传资源学报 2015-10-01 中文核心
Research on an Multi Node Cooperate Image Compression Algorithm in Wireless Network Based on LBT Model 李海涛 The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal 2015-07-23 EI
A Hybrid Multi-Class Text Categorization Based on SVM-DT 方莹 Computer Modeling and New Technologies 2014-12-16 EI
Multiple-sensor fusion tracking based on square-root cubature kalman filtering 侯艳丽 Journal of Network 2014-07-04 EI
The method of moving target tracking based on 2DPCA and FLDA face recognition algorithm 郑晓月 International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 2014-03-03 EI
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